
Response by FIA EPTA to the European Commission consultation on the renewed sustainable finance strategy

17 July 2020

FIA EPTA members welcome the opportunity to respond to the European Commission's consultation on the renewed sustainable finance strategy. FIA EPTA members will argue that there is a large variety of ESG ratings in the market, this makes it difficult, if not impossible, to come up with truly meaningful and harmonized ESG ratings between the different rating agencies. FIA EPTA Members argue for more standardisation of ESG indicators. FIA EPTA members believe that the EU should not develop a sustainable finance-oriented exchange. But believe that to stimulate trading in sustainable finance products, it is essential to keep entry barriers for trading those products as low as possible and therefore sustainable finance products should be listed on existing exchanges. FIA EPTA is committed to supporting policymakers in ensuring the success of the sustainable finance project at all levels of the capital market ecosystem.

  • EPTA
  • Sustainable Finance
  • Advocacy
  • Position Papers