
Operations, Execution & Technology archive

  • FIA responds to ASX proposals on position reporting framework and operating rules

    FIA has submitted a response to ASX’s consultation paper on proposed changes to the position reporting framework and a review and update of operating rules for ASX 24 and ASX Clear (Futures).

  • FIA calls for DORA supervisory guidance ahead of January 2025 application deadline

    FIA, together with five other trade associations, has co-signed a joint statement that draws the European Supervisory Authorities’ attention to the challenges that industry participants, including financial entities as well as ICT third-party service providers, are facing regarding the implementation of DORA by the 17 January 2025 deadline.

  • European T+1 Industry Task Force responds to UK report

    FIA has joined several industry associations in welcoming a recent UK report on moving to T+1 settlement.

  • FIA responds to CFTC proposal on FCM operational resilience framework

    FIA has submitted a response to the CFTC’s proposed rule requiring an operational resilience framework for futures commission merchants. 

  • FIA responds to consultation on critical third parties in the UK financial sector

    FIA supports the UK authorities’ proposed approach, allowing regulators to build on and complement operational resilience frameworks for firms and financial market infrastructures. FIA members also support the proposal for oversight of critical third parties to be as interoperable as reasonably practicable with similar existing and future regimes. Furthermore, FIA members support the proposals to promote regulatory and supervisory interoperability.

  • FIA releases report on derivatives industry trends

    The 14-page report, Derivatives Market Structure 2024: Focusing on Capital and Workflow Efficiency, provides a unique perspective into the key drivers for the global clearing business. The report is based on findings from research of market participants conducted jointly by FIA and Coalition Greenwich, a provider of strategic benchmarking, analytics and insights to the financial services industry.

  • DMIST Releases Annual Progress Report

    DMIST also announced changes to its organizational structure to help accelerate the pace of development and adoption of standards in the exchange-traded derivatives markets.

  • FIA responds to second batch of DORA policy products

    FIA and FIA EPTA have submitted responses to three consultations issued by the European Supervisory Authorities on the second batch of policy products under the EU Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA). The consultations cover regulatory technical standards on the subcontracting of information and communication technology (ICT) services, content, timelines and templates for incident reporting, and threat-led penetration testing.

  • FIA responds to LME consultation on Daily Price Limits

    FIA has responded to the London Metal Exchanges's consultation on Daily Price Limits (DPLs). While supporting the LME's goal of creating a transparent market suspension framework based on consecutive DPLs, the response raises crucial considerations such as the impact on trading and clearing, trade confirmation processes, and the importance of clear communication.

  • FIA and CME respond to CFTC proposed rulemaking on investments for FCMs and DCOs

    FIA and CME respond to CFTC proposed rulemaking on investments for FCMs and DCOs