
MarketVoice Podcast - Man of the futures, Leo Melamed

27 August 2021


In this episode

In this episode,  we feature one of the most distinguished individuals in the futures industry, Leo Melamed. Leo is a giant in this industry having served as Chairman of the CME during a time when the Merc moved from an agriculture-based futures exchange to the global powerhouse it is today.  Leo’s story is one for the ages. He escaped Jewish persecution in Nazi occupied Poland during World War II on a journey that led him across Russia, through Japan and ultimately to the United States, where he settled in Chicago. He began his work in the futures industry as a runner on the floor and rose to heights of the financial industry including becoming CME’s chairman and an advisor to US presidents and foreign leaders. Leo is the author of several books, and he has published his second autobiography called Man of the Futures: the story of Leo Melamed & the birth of modern finance.

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