Last year the number of futures and options traded on exchanges worldwide hit a record level of 137 billion contracts. It’s worth taking a moment to appreciate just much the industry has grown in the last few years. Last year’s trading volume was 64% higher than the year before, and more than double the total number of contracts that traded in 2021.
CONTINUE READINGAppointments, promotions and other people news in the derivatives industry
CONTINUE READINGVotes to approve report calling on the government to address risks in decentralized finance
CONTINUE READINGIn recent years, the landscape of global central counterparty margin models has witnessed a significant transformation in risk management. Central to this shift is the migration from the long-established Standard Portfolio Analysis of Risk (SPAN) model to various Value-at-Risk (VaR) based models for the purpose of calculating margin for exchange-traded derivatives.
CONTINUE READINGPanel looks at improving access to futures markets for small and mid-size farmers.
CONTINUE READINGThe Commodity Futures Trading Commission has proposed a rule to require futures commission merchants, swap dealers and major swap participants to establish an “operational resilience framework.”
CONTINUE READINGThe Commodity Futures Trading Commission is attempting to update its regulatory framework for derivatives clearinghouses to address the rise of new business structures that integrate certain functions that previously were separated. The agency’s five commissioners disagree on the way forward, however, with some calling for moving forward one step at a time and others urging a slower, more comprehensive approach. Two pending proposals have brought these differences to light.
CONTINUE READINGCollaborative efforts would not be possible if our members didn’t set aside their self-interests and eagerly dedicate their time to solving broader industry problems.
CONTINUE READINGAt Kemet Trading, we believe that digital asset derivatives are the next frontier of institutional trading. To put things in perspective, the trading volume for US equity options is around 3500% larger than the spot market. In the digital assets market, that same comparison is 2%. Although there is a massive opportunity for growth in the digital asset derivatives market, the market is currently extremely inefficient.
CONTINUE READINGOpen interest climbs to record high amid rate uncertainty
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