On April 30, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission approved for public comment a proposed rulemaking that would reduce certain reporting and recordkeeping requirements for end-users that transact in trade options, a term used by the CFTC to refer to physically settled over-the-counter options on commodities that are purchased by commercial end-users.
CONTINUE READINGThe London Metal Exchange continues to upgrade LMEselect, the exchange’s electronic trading platform, as part of a broader strategy to attract more financial institutions to its markets.
CONTINUE READINGAustralian Prudential Regulation Authority Chairman Wayne Byres and Tim Massad, Chairman of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, signed a memorandum of understanding on April 13.
CONTINUE READINGOn March 31, FIA Asia and ASIFMA, a trade association representing international banks and brokers active in Asian markets, submitted a joint comment to the Monetary Authority of Singapore's consultation on proposed amendments to the Securities and Futures Act.
CONTINUE READINGTraders scouting for relative value opportunities across fixed income futures, swaps and cash Treasuries now have access to an online application that taps into real-time data from CME Group and ICAP.
CONTINUE READINGThe position limit regime now being considered in the U.S. provides exceptions for some hedging strategies but not others.
CONTINUE READINGFour examples of how technology vendors are bringing innovative solutions for financial services firms wrestling with cost pressures, legacy systems and new regulatory requirements.
CONTINUE READINGNasdaq Commodities, the electricity derivatives market based in Stockholm, is revising the rules of its clearinghouse in order to comply with new requirements under the European Market Infrastructure Regulation.
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