FIA is building and maintaining a central repository of exchange-provided risk controls and practices in global cleared derivatives markets for the exclusive use of FIA members. In consultation with member firms, we developed a survey that helps provide greater transparency and facilitates risk-control benchmarking for global brokers, clearing firms, trading firms and commercial and institutional traders. This convenient centralized source of information about exchange risk controls makes it easier for firms to expand the range of markets that they use around the world.
FIA believes that the current backward-looking, monthly-calibrated margin add-on falls short of providing adequate risk mitigation and should only serve as a temporary measure while a more precise and transparent system is developed.
CONTINUE READINGFIA responded to the Fixed Income Clearing Corporation’s (FICC) proposal to implement the SEC’s new clearing mandate for US Treasurys. FIA’s letter urges FICC to provide flexibility for market participants to clear US Treasurys at multiple clearinghouses, as they may arise in the future.
CONTINUE READINGFIA’s response highlights several key points for international standard setters to consider including the importance of margin transparency and simulation tools from Central Counterparties for NBFIs and the need for a balanced regulatory approach to ensure compliance with FSB recommendations without overburdening clearing members.
CONTINUE READINGFIA has responded to a discussion paper released by international standard setters that sets out eight "effective practices" for streamlining variation margin in centrally cleared markets. The discussion paper addresses the need for greater transparency and understanding of margin practices at central counterparties, particularly in light of recent episodes of market volatility triggered by the COVID crisis and Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
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