In July 2024, FIA unveiled its latest white paper: Best Practices for Automated Trading Risk Controls and System Safeguards. This comprehensive guide brings together FIA’s extensive research and expertise, exploring critical areas such as pre-trade risk management and exchange volatility control mechanisms.
CONTINUE READINGFIA's response to LME Clear's consultation supports proposed changes to the minimum net capital requirements, the default fund mutualisation threshold and anti-procyclicality measures. However, the letter highlights a few areas for clarification, notably the impact on its membership concerning the proposed increase in net capital requirement and further details on changes related to the default fund.
CONTINUE READINGIn response to the BoE’s consultation on its power to direct a CCP to address impediments to resolvability, the associations welcome the clarity provided by the BoE on the timescales it would follow when using its power to address impediments to resolvability.
CONTINUE READINGFIA believes that the current backward-looking, monthly-calibrated margin add-on falls short of providing adequate risk mitigation and should only serve as a temporary measure while a more precise and transparent system is developed.
CONTINUE READINGFIA responded to the Fixed Income Clearing Corporation’s (FICC) proposal to implement the SEC’s new clearing mandate for US Treasurys. FIA’s letter urges FICC to provide flexibility for market participants to clear US Treasurys at multiple clearinghouses, as they may arise in the future.
CONTINUE READINGFIA’s response highlights several key points for international standard setters to consider including the importance of margin transparency and simulation tools from Central Counterparties for NBFIs and the need for a balanced regulatory approach to ensure compliance with FSB recommendations without overburdening clearing members.
CONTINUE READINGFIA has responded to a discussion paper released by international standard setters that sets out eight "effective practices" for streamlining variation margin in centrally cleared markets. The discussion paper addresses the need for greater transparency and understanding of margin practices at central counterparties, particularly in light of recent episodes of market volatility triggered by the COVID crisis and Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
CONTINUE READINGFIA has submitted a response to the Japan Securities Clearing Corporation’s consultation, which proposes to introduce stress add-on initial margin charges and a partial revision of the clearing fund calculation method in its listed financial derivatives clearing service.
CONTINUE READINGFIA has responded to the Fixed Income Clearing Corporation’s proposals to revise its customer clearing access models and to modify its margin segregation rules in order to implement the SEC’s new clearing mandate for U.S. Treasuries. FIA's response identifies conflicts between the proposed access structures and CFTC rules to which FCMs are subject.
CONTINUE READINGFIA has filed a letter with international standard-setting bodies urging further progress on efforts to increase the resilience of global derivatives markets in times of stress. The letter was submitted in response to a consultation on initial margin requirements in centrally cleared derivatives markets that was issued by Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS), the Bank for International Settlements' Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures (CPMI) and the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO).
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