
Security futures – the incredible potentially morphing financial instrument

A Law & Compliance Division webinar

30 April 2020


The recent transformation – seemingly overnight - of the KOSPI 200 from a broad-based security index contract, subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the CFTC, to a narrow-based security index futures contract, subject to the joint jurisdiction of the CFTC and the SEC, has brought to the fore the significant differences in the regulation of these products, whether traded in the US or in foreign jurisdictions. This webinar will provide an overview of the regulatory regimes governing these products, including a discussion of the authority of US persons to access, and US broker-dealers and futures commission merchants to offer, foreign security futures.  Case studies involving the EUREX STOXX Banks Index and other instruments will be discussed. Analogies to cryptosecurities and non-cryptosecurities will be referenced too.

FIA L&C Division Security Futures webinar speakers
  • FIA
  • Advocacy
  • Webinars