
Brexit: what's next for the cleared derivatives markets?

28 June 2016


FIA invites you to join us on Tuesday, 28 June for a special webinar that discusses the near-term consequences for the cleared derivatives industry, following the United Kingdom’s vote to leave the European Union. By way of supplement to the FIA memorandum “Brexit, what now for the cleared derivatives markets?” that was prepared for FIA by Allen & Overy and published on our website last week, this webinar will provide an overview of:

  • FIA’s immediate response on Friday 24 June;
  • The current political status;
  • The market impact;
  • The procedure for the UK to leave the European Union;
  • The potential impact of Brexit on the cleared derivatives market; and
  • Next steps.

During the webinar, FIA will highlight additional information, such as the Financial Conduct Authority’s reminder about the continuing application of EU laws in the UK until such time as the UK actually leaves. The webinar will also set out FIA’s plans to support our  members through the protracted period of the UK’s transition out of the EU. Webinar participants will also be able to ask questions at the end of the initial presentation.


Simon Puleston Jones, FIA

  • FIA
  • UK
  • Webinars