
Emerging Technology & Products

  • FIA and FIA EPTA respond to European Commission consultation on AI

    FIA and FIA EPTA have responded to the European Commission’s consultation on artificial intelligence, which sets out to identify the main use cases along with the benefits, barriers and risks related to the development of AI applications in the financial sector.

  • FIA urges US Treasury Department to remain technology-neutral on AI

    FIA's letter suggested Treasury focus on the applications of artificial intelligence within the context of a particular use case as opposed to the technology as a whole.

  • FIA joins response to BCBS consultation on bank exposures to cryptoassets

    FIA has joined with several other trade associations in responding to the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision’s (BCBS) consultative document on amendments to its standard for bank exposures to cryptoassets.

  • CFTC wrestles with new clearinghouse models

    The Commodity Futures Trading Commission is attempting to update its regulatory framework for derivatives clearinghouses to address the rise of new business structures that integrate certain functions that previously were separated. The agency’s five commissioners disagree on the way forward, however, with some calling for moving forward one step at a time and others urging a slower, more comprehensive approach. Two pending proposals have brought these differences to light.

  • Data Spotlight - Open interest in top crypto derivatives hit new highs in 2023

    At the end of 2017, CME Group and Cboe Global Markets received regulatory approval to list futures on bitcoin. A lot has happened in the intervening years, including the so-called "crypto winter" of 2022.  But an FIA data analysis shows that, despite recent challenges, crypto derivatives markets are going strong. 

  • FIA responds to the IOSCO consultation on crypto-asset regulation

    FIA has filed a response to a consultation report on policy recommendations for crypto and digital asset markets from the Board of International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO). 

  • CFTC advisory committee focuses on cross-border coordination and efficiencies 

    The US Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) held the second meeting of the Global Markets Advisory Committee (GMAC), on 17 July, under the sponsorship of Commissioner Caroline Pham.  

  • US House debates granting CFTC spot digital asset oversight

    The US House Committee on Agriculture, which has federal oversight over the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission, held a hearing on 6 June titled "The Future of Digital Assets: Providing Clarity for Digital Asset Spot Markets."

  • US House hearing examines path forward for digital asset regulation

    Two important committees of the US House of Representatives held a joint hearing on 10 May to discuss digital asset regulation, concluding with some potential next steps for both regulators and Congress to provide more clarity to the regulatory environment. The US House Committees on Agriculture and Financial Services held a joint Subcommittee hearing titled "The Future of Digital Assets: Measuring the Regulatory Gaps in the Digital Asset Markets." The Agriculture Committee has oversight over the US Commodity Future Trading Commission, while the Financial Services Committee has oversight over the US Securities and Exchange Commission.

  • Key US House Committees hold hearings on digital asset oversight

    On April 27, the key US House committees held concurrent hearings on digital asset oversight. These complementary hearings were coordinated by Republican leadership in the Committees to identify regulatory gaps related to digital assets. Next month, the committees plan to hold a joint subcommittee hearing to consider ways to close those gaps.