
Commodities archive

  • EU competitiveness dominates European conversations

    Whether you follow the news on the new institutional cycle of the European Commission or you have attended a policy conference in Europe lately, every conversation finds a way back to discussing the EU’s ongoing Capital Markets Union debate. EU leaders are keenly interested in attracting capital to its markets. The question of whether they will tackle the difficult issues will determine their overall success.

  • CFTC’s Behnam discusses US Treasury and repo clearing

    FIA COO Jackie Mesa moderated a discussion with Commodity Futures Trading Commission Chair Rostin Behnam at the 2024 Treasury Market Conference, an annual event co-hosted by the US Treasury Department, the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the Securities and Exchange Commission, and the CFTC. Behnam addressed FMX’s entrance into the US interest rate futures and the role of LCH as the clearinghouse for FMX.

  • Draghi report proposes EU markets consolidation and single supervisor 

    Industry and regulatory focus on the European Union’s Capital Markets Union ramped up several notches this month with the publication of Mario Draghi's highly anticipated report on Europe's competitiveness, as well as papers from FIA and FIA European Principal Traders Association, among others. 

  • Energized by the energy markets

    Earlier this month, FIA hosted its annual commodities forum in Houston, Texas. In the hometown of the energy industry, we brought together people from across the commodities landscape for discussions about how much the energy industry has changed and what opportunities for the futures industry lie ahead. Listening to our speakers, I heard the same refrain: demand will increase even more as energy markets grow increasingly complex and volatile.  

  • Margin requirements and liquidity planning: Four case studies in commodity futures

    Energy markets have been subject to a series of shocks in the past few years, all of which have had a significant impact on prices of the derivatives traded on these products and as a consequence the margin requirements demanded from traders in the derivatives market.

  • FIA responds to EBA-ESMA review of the prudential framework for investment firms

    FIA responded to the EBA-ESMA discussion paper on the European Commission call for advice on the investment firms' prudential framework, noting the importance of ensuring EU IFR/D is fit for purpose and that the application of prudential rules to commodity firms would be inappropriate, unduly complex, disproportionate and limit market entry for many small-size market participants.

  • FIA asks CFTC to sunset large trader reporting for commodity swaps

    FIA, joined by ISDA, has responded to the CFTC’s notice of intent to renew the collection of large trader reporting (LTR) data for physical commodity swaps. The associations reiterate and build on requests they have made in recent years for the CFTC to sunset the LTR rules for swaps, which were envisioned as a temporary measure while the CFTC stood up its comprehensive swap reporting framework under Dodd-Frank.

  • LME nickel futures - bouncing back

    In the two years after the London Metal Exchange was forced to close its nickel market and cancel $12 billion in trades, the exchange has worked hard to win back the confidence of market participants through a number of reforms. Trading volumes are rising again, but open interest has not fully recovered, and two new competitors have emerged.

  • CFTC Agricultural Advisory Committee holds meeting in Kansas

    The US Commodity Futures Trading Commission's Agricultural Advisory Committee held a meeting on 11 April, in Overland Park, Kansas. This meeting preceded AgCon2024, the third Agricultural Commodity Futures Conference hosted by the CFTC and the Center for Risk Management Education and Research at Kansas State University.

  • FIA responds to FCA consultation on derivatives markets transparency

    FIA welcomes the Financial Conduct Authority’s proposals regarding the revised bond and derivative transparency regime in the UK. Resilient and robust markets are of key importance to FIA members and FIA supports the consultation’s stated aim of streamlining transparency requirements so that they better reflect the nature and depth of liquidity in the market.