This paper consolidates our previous work and covers best practices in pre-trade risk management, exchange volatility control mechanisms, post-trade analysis and exchange-based conformance testing, among other areas. These practices are designed to help ensure that markets operate safely, regardless of the technology used.
CONTINUE READINGLondon and Washington, DC – FIA released a report on the challenges and opportunities facing the European listed derivatives markets on 18 June. The report is based on responses to a survey conducted recently by Acuiti, a market intelligence firm, that gauged industry sentiment regarding the key trends, opportunities and challenges facing the industry in Europe.
CONTINUE READINGOpening remarks of Walt Lukken, President and CEO of FIA, at the International Derivatives Expo (IDX) in London on 18 June 2024. As prepared for delivery.
CONTINUE READINGThe Average Pricing Standard calls for CCPs globally to adopt certain minimum standard average pricing functionality. Standardized functionality will help drive consistency and improve the current allocation and timing issues associated with average price order workflows.
CONTINUE READINGFIA has responded to a discussion paper released by international standard setters that sets out eight "effective practices" for streamlining variation margin in centrally cleared markets. The discussion paper addresses the need for greater transparency and understanding of margin practices at central counterparties, particularly in light of recent episodes of market volatility triggered by the COVID crisis and Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
CONTINUE READINGFIA has urged the CFTC to take a "technology-neutral" approach and focus on "outcomes and use cases" rather than the technology itself. FIA also urged the CFTC to consider the applicability of its existing rules and regulations before presupposing that new, AI-specific regulations are needed.
CONTINUE READINGFIA has filed a letter with international standard-setting bodies urging further progress on efforts to increase the resilience of global derivatives markets in times of stress. The letter was submitted in response to a consultation on initial margin requirements in centrally cleared derivatives markets that was issued by Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS), the Bank for International Settlements' Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures (CPMI) and the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO).
CONTINUE READINGFIA has joined several industry associations in welcoming a recent UK report on moving to T+1 settlement.
CONTINUE READINGFIA has filed comments with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission on its proposed rulemaking related to the protection of clearing member funds held by designated clearing organizations.
CONTINUE READINGFIA today announced the election of three new directors at its annual meeting in Boca Raton, Florida: Susan Gaughan, Société Générale, Nelson Neale, CHS Hedging LLC, and Harris L. Kay, Davis Wright Tremaine LLP.
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